
Minelayer & Minesweeper Catalog
- Ocean Minesweeper Agile Class (MSO-421 to 511): USS Agile MSO-421, USS Aggressive MSO-422, USS Avenge MSO-423, USS Bold MSO-424, USS 425 MSO-424, USS Conflict MSO-426, USS Constance MSO-427, USS Dash MSO-428, USS Detector MSO-429, USS Direct MSO-430, USS Dominant MSO-431, USS Dynamic MSO-432, USS Engage MSO-433, USS Embattle MSO-434, USS Endurance MSO-435, USS Energy MSO-436, USS Enhance MSO-437, USS Esteem MSO-438, USS Excel MSO-439, USS Exploit MSO-440, USS Exultant MSO-441, USS Fearless MSO-442, USS Fidelity MSO-443, USS Firm MSO-444, USS Force MSO-445, USS Fortify MSO-446, USS Guide, MSO-447, USS Illusive MSO-448, USS Impervious MSO-449, USS Implicit MSO-455, USS Inflict MSO-456, USS Loyalty MSO-457, USS Lucid MSO-458, USS Nimble MSO-459, USS Notable MSO-460, USS Observer MSO-461, USS Pinnacle MSO-462, USS Pivot MSO-463, USS Pluck MSO-464, USS Prime MSO-466, USS Reaper MSO-467, USS Rival MSO-468, USS Sagacity MSO-469, USS Salute MSO-470, USS Skill MSO-471, USS Valor MSO-472, USS Vigor MSO-473, USS Vital MSO-474, USS Conquest MSO-488, USS Gallant MSO-489, USS Leader MSO-490, USS Persistant MSO-491, USS Pledge MSO-492, USS Stalwart MSO-493, USS Sturdy MSO-494, USS Swerve MSO-495, USS Venture MSO-496, USS Acme MSO-508, USS Adroit MSO-509, USS Advance MSO-510, USS Affray MSO-511
- Fleet Minesweeper Admirable Class MSF-223 to 301
- Coastal Minesweeper Albatross Class, Bluebird Class MSC 121-209
- Yard Minesweeper MHC or YMS YMS-180, YMS-408